Tuesday 14 May 2019

Cute Rainbow Home Decor for ugly student houses

Next year I will be moving out of student accommodation into a student house. Student houses are typically plain and sometimes dull and so I wanted to find some cool decor to brighten up the place!

Typo Light Curtain £25

This light curtain is so funky and I think would look so cool in either my bedroom or in the living room. It will definitely bring some colour to the room but also make it nice and cosy. (probably be a good insta background too lol)

Lava Lamps
The Lava Lamp Recipe — Dishmaps

I love lava lamps and have wanted one for ages. They are really calming and soothing to watch and the colours are so pretty.

Rainbow Rug £27.93

Student houses often have the same ugly, dark blue carpet (to hide stains lol) and so a fun rug will bring some more light to the lounge. I think that these colour rugs are so cool and this one from Amazon is made from recycled cotton.

Rainbow Teapot £10

Windhorse Rainbow Teapot | Large Rainbow Teapot | Ceramic Rainbow teapot 4 cup
I love this teapot and I love tea so I needed it! Even if I don't use it that much it will definitely bring some colour to the kitchen.

Rainbow Shower Curtain £43.92

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I absolutely love this shower curtain (even if it is expensive). Student house bathrooms are generally a bit grim and dated and this will at least hide some of that haha! This will bring so much light to the often tiny bathrooms.

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