Tuesday 14 May 2019

How to add rainbow effects to your pictures for Instagram

On Instagram I often post pictures with rainbow light filters over the top to match my "rainbow aesthetic".
Its pretty easy to do and I think that it makes pictures more fun and colourful on your feed!

The App that I use is PicsArt as it also has several other good photo editing features on it. I only have the free version and which is fine for what I need but the ads are quite annoying. Image result for pics art

After adjusting the saturation and brightness of my photos I go to the brush tool and select the rainbow brush. I then adjust the transparency and the size of the brush and draw a line wherever I want the rainbow. You can then erase any parts you don't want the rainbow to cover with the erase tool and then save the pics and its all done!

Here are some of my pics :)

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